Lifewerqers Directory
Our Community of Lifewerqers provide care services for transitions including Birth, Death, Gender and more!
The Lifewerqer Directory's primary goal is create an accessible space for our communities to meet Two-Spirit, Trans, gender non-conforming, (2S/T/GNC) Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) who provide supportive care services for life's transitions including Birth, Death, Gender and more!
The Directory is not intended as a tool for verifying the credentials of an individual practitioner, although many individuals listed here have participated in and/or are engaged with our work and are trusted in our community. As a project that uplifts Disability Justice and practices COVID prevention through high-quality masking, regular testing, air purification, herbal support, and conventional support (CPC mouthwash and nasal spray), we encourage all Lifewerqers to uphold these values as well. That said, please take the time to connect with a Lifewerqer and assess their qualifications, skill level, and offerings on your own.
Inclusion in Lifewerqer Directory does not imply recommendation or endorsement nor does omission from the directory imply Lifewerq's disapproval. Lifewerq Project does not warrant or represent that the Lifewerqer Directory or any part of the site is accurate or complete. To reflect the needs and values of our community, we will make ongoing updates and modifications as needed.